Nunez News

Friday, January 6, 2012


So it has been a while since I've written a post because we've had some sickness going on in our family. First it was Kiera throwing up just 2 mornings in a row but not having much of an appetite for a week. Then Domenic got stuffy a couple days after Christmas (which spread to everyone but me) and then Nathan started complaining of a stomach ache last week on Thursday night and woke up throwing up on Friday. He was throwing up off and on for the past week and was looking pretty lethargic but then all of a sudden started to feel better but still had the random bouts of vomiting. I'm saying random because on average it was about every 6 hours and sometimes longer intervals during the night. Finally he went the whole day today (Thursday) with all of his food staying down. Thank you Jesus! Now we just gotta get the thin man to gain some weight back! It made me so sad every time he threw up. Poor Domenic even got a rude awakening one night from Nathan next to him.

So that's what I've been up to and it has been a long couple of weeks!

I will be posting about our 2012 goals but not on this post.

Today I was thinking about sacrifice. What do or have I sacrificed or given up or have chosen not to have out of love for another? Since Christmas just passed we know that Jesus was the greatest sacrifice. He gave up his life and endured much pain for us. For me. God sent His Son down for a time to be our example. To be our teacher. And then to become the sacrifice, the only way for our sins to be washed away. How much more should I appreciate my own life and choose to use my time more wisely out of gratitude for Him?

A lot of times we cling to what we know, what we like, what is comfortable. But then our hearts and minds are not dwelling on the things from above but on just the things. Nathan asked me the other day why we can't take anything with us to heaven when we die. I told him because heaven will have everything we will ever want or need.

God has given us everything on this earth that we will need. More than what we could have ever imagined. Each of my children I could not have thought up any more perfect than they are. Each one is so individual and unique. Not just their appearances but their personalities. Yes there are personality defects but that's because we as human beings are imperfect and our imperfections remind us how much we need to cling to God for His guidance. And to be thankful for His grace. Our defects give us perspective and compassion (or at least they should) for others.

I love how God considers us all equal, all the same. No one is better than the next and even the one that seems to be the weaker vessel is just as important as the seemingly stronger.

We all learn from each other and as I see some of my defects come through my life, my mirror, my children I know I need to give it to God because I don't want to teach incorrectly. Have you ever learned something incorrectly and then have had to relearn the correct way? It is way harder to stop a bad habit of the incorrect way rather than learning correctly how this or that should be done in the first place. Though we can not always point the finger at the teacher because the teacher could have very well taught us correctly but we being stubborn or lax in our practice might have altered how we wanted to accomplish this or that because we were thinking our way was the easier way to accomplish our goals. It might not even seem incorrect until you step back and take another look, see it from another angle.
Scanning instructions rather than studying the details. Never a good idea.

A challenge I want to give myself is to sacrifice my ego, my pride, my "I can handle it" attitude and say, God can handle it and then let Him. My temper is not tame, it comes through a lot of times with my tone of voice or the elevation of volume. It is no excuse when I'm tired. Jesus was beaten and spat on and did not look at the people with anger or frustration. He did not have an attitude or "whatever!". He looked at them with loving eyes and felt compassion for them. When my child is whiny I should not respond with "stoooop, w-h-i-n-i-n-g!!!" Right there I am whining!!! Isn't that horrible!! I've became what is frustrating me because I have given into my temper. My personality defect.

Only the Potter is able to turn something that is broken and plain into something that is beautiful. I want to be beautiful. I want to be broken because I know then I have given Him everything and then He can use me, mold me into who He wants me to be. Where I'll be the most effective. I know God has given me the job of full time mommy and wife and I know the little warriors need to be prepared for battle and I want to be the best teacher for them. They need to be prepared with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes that help us spread the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God (Ephesians 6). I would not give up that responsibility to anyone. No matter how hard it can be and feels at times these precious children were given to me for just a time. God entrusted them to me to teach them and in doing so has shown me that I need to be constantly learning, my knowledge and skills cannot be set aside to become forgotten. I need to put on the full armor of God so I can teach them how to use it... correctly!

So sacrifice. Sacrifice what you think you need or think is necessary. Instead look at what you know has been given to you. I truly believe that if you never give up anything then you don't really appreciate anything.

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