Nunez News

Monday, April 1, 2013

Good Morning Girls Luke Study - Week 5

Week 5 of the first 8 chapters of Luke from the Good Morning Girls study. *My notes*

Monday - Week 5

Luke 5:1-11 (Luke 5:6,11)
6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

* Simon and his partners put the nets out just as Jesus had asked them to do.
* Their nets began to break because they had caught so many fish.
* After they pulled their boats to shore, they left everything (Simon and the brothers James and John) to follow Jesus.

Do you think Simon was doubtful? Hopeful? Truly believed they would catch fish? They had been out fishing all night and they hadn't caught anything.
When we pray and ask something of God, are you doubtful? Hopeful? Truly believe it will/can happen? Think about it. I think Simon was hopeful and probably a bit doubtful. I know there were times I was praying and I was hopeful and a bit doubtful. I didn't doubt that God could do it, I guess I doubted that He would even want to. That's where I was wrong in my thinking. I don't know God's heart, but He knows mine. I don't know what's best, but He knows best. So even though Simon was doubtful, even though I have been doubtful, God still knows best. He knows what His children need.
Simon needed to see that God doesn't just give gifts that call a response of "oh that's nice", His gifts made him and everyone around him say "WHOA!" How happy does your heart get when you've given a gift and receive a whoa response? Total ear to ear smile happy right?!
God loves to bless us, we just need to be obedient.
We need to leave everything behind that could deter our focus, and follow Him because He will provide ALL that we need.

Tuesday - Week 5

Luke 5:12-16 (Luke 5:13,14,16)
13 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him.
14 Then Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”
16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

* Jesus healed the leper because the man had faith that Jesus could.
* Jesus told the man not to tell anyone but show them that he was cleansed by following the commands of Moses for cleansing.
* Jesus would go off by Himself to pray.

This man had a sickness, a skin disease where he was banished, hopeless and alone. Then Jesus comes by and something inside him said, in Jesus there is hope. The man knew in his heart that Jesus just needed to be willing to help him. Jesus must have looked at him with His compassionate eyes. The eyes that you give a friend or loved one when they are hurting or going through "stuff".
Our sin is a lot like leprosy. It attaches itself to us and then it covers us and before we know it we are ashamed and feeling hopeless and helpless.
Jesus said to the leper, "I am willing. Be clean!" If we come to Him with an open heart and say, Lord I am a mess, but will You accept me and clean me? His answer is always "I am willing!"
Jesus went off to pray on His own often. His life was such an example to us. Daily we need to be cleaned. We need to have constant communication with the Lord so He can wash away all the daily grime and muck that gets stuck to us. All the junk that fills our minds and hearts, some intentionally and some unintentionally or just unavoidable. If we don't go to Him daily to be cleansed/washed the junk starts to build up and then it covers more of us than what should. Then before we know it, it has consumed us.
Think of a dirty windshield on your car. When you're driving in the dark it's not so bad but then try driving toward the sun and then all of a sudden all of that dirt is exposed and you can barely see anything. Wash your windshield and you appreciate having a clean window but more importantly you can see more clearly the way you're suppose to go.
Romans 12:2 says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

I must Go To God daily to be renewed so I can clearly see where I need to go.

Wednesday - Week 5

Luke 5:17-26 (Luke 5:20,22-24)
20 When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”
22 Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 23 Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? 24 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.”

* The paralyzed mans sins were forgiven because of the faith of his friends.
* Jesus claimed Himself to be the Son of Man.
* Jesus said He has the authority on earth to forgive sins.
* Jesus told the man to get up, grab his mat and go home.

Jesus saw the faith of the paralyzed man's friends. Ok so have you ever carried a sleeping person? A full grown sleeping person would probably be what this guy felt like. Dead weight! His friends took him onto the roof and lowered him down (without dropping him) because they knew that Jesus could heal him. This man had some awesome friends!
Today I'm going to think about people in my life that I need to pray for. People that need to be healed or need Jesus. I know God can heal and He can change hearts. I don't want to just be a faithful friend, but a friend who has much faith in her Lord.

Thursday - Week 5

Luke 5:27-32 (Luke 5:31&32)
31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

* When asked by the pharisees and teachers why Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners He says, they are the ones that need Him.
* No one is above another in needing the Savior.

I don't like going to the doctor, especially when I'm not sick. Really, I don't think I need them when I'm in perfect health. But then when I get really sick, maybe from an infection or having difficulties breathing from asthma issues I feel it is time to pay a visit to the doctor.
Really we're suppose to go to the doctor when we're feeling good so that we can know our "normal" numbers so the doctors has a baseline for when we're not feeling right. They can see yea, normally you're here (good) but now you're here (bad).
Unfortunately, when life is going good, everything is smooth sailing, no crazy bumps in our life; we might forget to pray, to ask for direction or even to just thank God for another day with our family. But God doesn't want us to just be living, He wants us to be perfect, He wants to perfect us, to grow us closer to Him. So, bumps happen, we end up in foggy territory and then we're not feeling so well. What do we do? We pray! We pray because God can fix it. But really, we should have been praying all along.

Personally, when do you pray? You don't have to post your answer but I encourage you to think about it. I intentionally pray before meals with my children, before we leave the driveway in our car, before the kids go to bed and then sometimes I'll just say "thank you Lord" or "please Lord, show us what you want us to learn". I want my children to know that God is not someone we only go to when times are tough. That He is a God who is ALWAYS with us and wants to walk with us. That our prayers or needs are never ever too small or too big for Him.

Friday - Week 5

Luke 5:33-39 (Luke 5:34&35)
34 Jesus answered, “Can you make the friends of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? 35 But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast.”

* Fasting is giving up something (that consumes your time regularly) so that you can focus on drawing closer to God.
* Jesus calls Himself the bridegroom

The disciples were in Jesus' presence, the presence of God, so there would not be a reason for them to fast. They didn't need to give up anything that was taking up their time/life to focus on growing closer to God because they were already spending their time/life with Him.
But now we do not have the bridegroom with us physically so it is easy to fill our time with others things. Not saying our things aren't important. But it seems we are being encouraged to take breaks from (fasting from) the things that are time suckers, or the things that draw our focus away from the direction God is pointing out to us.
Fasting is not for diet purposes. It is not a whoa is me I can't eat chocolate cake because I'm fasting. When you are done fasting (I'm not just talking about with food), you should feel closer to God and not desire the negative time consuming things so much. But we are creatures of habit so we have a tendency to go back to our old ways. So then we must fast (give up) something again so our hearts and minds can be cleansed when we draw closer to God instead of the things.

Make a list of how you spend your time. Can you give up or severely limit certain time suckers?

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