Nunez News

Monday, April 1, 2013

Good Morning Girls Luke Study - Week 2

Here are my notes that I shared with the ladies in my group for the Good Morning Girls Luke study.

Week 2 

Monday Scripture for week 2

Luke 2:1-7 (Luke 2:7)

7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.


* Mary made it to Bethlehem and gave birth to her firstborn son
* The most humble way for a King to be born is how Jesus was born. Wrapped in cloth, layed in a feeding trough because there was no room in a comfy room for Him.


Jesus came to serve not to be served. Even on His birth day Mary and Joseph weren't asking for favor, the angels did not make people move out of their way for special treatment.
Jesus' life is the example of how we as believers are to live. We are to be servants, as in humble and willing to do things for the benefit of others. A servant is not a slave.
Those of us who are mothers or even just married, we have to make choices very regularly where we have to weigh the benefits, not just for ourselves but for our husband and children. Is it for everyone's benefit or just mine?

Last year I wanted a home birth so bad but after looking into a bunch of options (besides un assisted) it was going to cost to much. I couldn't use up our tax return money for a home birth. It was such a hard call because I REALLY wanted this and I was totally dreading going to the hospital again. But I just had to place it in God's hands and say, no, it's not going to happen unless that's what God wants. It's hard to give up a want or desire! But in the end God know's what's best. That would have been such a bummer to pay all this money for a home birth and then end up in the hospital anyways because of heavy bleeding after (which is what happened). I would have felt guilty for being selfish.

Tuesday-Week 2
Luke 2:8-20 (Luke 2:20)

The shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as had been told them.

* As the shepherds went back to their sheep they sang praises and worshiped God for allowing them to see what the angel had told them, Jesus.

The shepherds believed what they were told before they even saw. So they praised God for allowing them to see with their own eyes the fulfillment of His promise.
God keeps His promises and makes them known at His time.

Wednesday-Week 2

Luke 2:21-35 (Luke 2:30-32)
30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation,
31 Which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
32 A Light of revelation to the Gentiles,
And the glory of Your people Israel.”

* Simeon was thanking God for keeping His promise to him by being able to see Jesus with his own eyes "Your salvation".
* Salvation revealed to the gentiles
* Praise of Israel

a : an act of revealing or communicating divine truth
b : something that is revealed by God to humans

We have been given a promise similar to Simeon's. We will be able to see Jesus with our own eyes when we get to heaven.
We are to trust that this will happen, that we will see Jesus' face; just as Simeon trusted that God would fulfill His promise.
We also need to remember to give THANKS when a promise has been fulfilled. When we've asked God to answer a prayer for us and then He does, do you remember to say thank you? Even when His answer is not the one we want to hear?

This reminds me that God is so good and if He says something will happen, it most definitely will. Also, when it said that he came in the Spirit into the temple, I believe that means that Simeon was allowing God to direct his path. I pray often with my children, "Lord, direct our day", because maybe what we had planned is not His plan. What if Simeon had chosen to go to the market instead? I think God would have still fulfilled His promise but maybe it would have been delayed for when Jesus' was older. But Simeon allowed God, the Spirit, to lead him. And that is what I want too.

Thursday-week 2
Luke 2:36-40 (Luke 2:40)
40 The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.

*Jesus grew older
*Jesus became stronger
*Jesus became wiser
*The grace of God was upon Him

We need to seek to grow wiser as we continue to grow older.
So my question to you is, HOW will you seek to grow wiser?

Friday-Week 2
Luke 2:41-52 (Luke 2:51& 52)
51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

* Jesus obeyed His earthly father and mother
* Mary treasured all these things in her heart (do you think that means that she treasured His obedience to them or that she was just enjoying watching Him grow?)
* Jesus continued to grow wiser and stronger as he grew older.

Even though Jesus was busy learning what He could and discussing things with "wise" men He still had respect for His father and mother to stop what He was doing and obey them. Stop, listen, obey. And what a blessing He was to His mother! Jesus could have easily been facetious toward His mother because He is the Son of God and knows better, but He wasn't.
Doing this study these two weeks has really helped me Stop to read God's word. But then I have to sit and ponder and Listen to what God is wanting me to hear/see. Obey! We are to be doers of the Word not only hearers. So application... I need to Stop, Listen and then Obey...

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